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Frequently Asked Questions
Small Business Eligibility
What documents are required to prove that my company is a registered business?
What documents are required to prove that my company is a registered business?
One (1) of the following:
- Master business license
- Article of incorporation
- GST return from CRA
We prefer that you provide a government document that confirms your business registration. If you provide only a GST/HST number, then this number must be verified via the GST/HST Registry.
Is my business eligible if it provides goods and services online only?
Is my business eligible if it provides goods and services online only?
Yes. Consumer facing businesses are those that provide the majority of their services directly to consumers. Most will have a bricks and mortar presence where consumers can access their goods and services. Some will also have a virtual 'front door' through their online presence which also provides services to consumers.
If my business operates at more than one location, am I considered a corporate chain or am I eligible?
If my business operates at more than one location, am I considered a corporate chain or am I eligible?
A business can go up to 5 outlets for the same business. These outlets have to be for a single, regional business and the organization does not offer opportunities for other people to buy franchises.
Can the owner of multiple businesses submit an application for each business? That is, for example, the owner of three (3) businesses submitting three (3) applications, one for each business.
Can the owner of multiple businesses submit an application for each business? That is, for example, the owner of three (3) businesses submitting three (3) applications, one for each business.
Yes, as long as each business is registered with its own business number.
Do part time or temporary employees count as eligible employees?
Do part time or temporary employees count as eligible employees?
Part time or fixed-term employees count as eligible employees, but freelance or contract (fee for service) employees do not.
Is there a cap on the number of employees eligible companies can have?
Is there a cap on the number of employees eligible companies can have?
No, there is no cap.
If my business is in their first year of business and is on track to earn $30,000 in revenues, would I be eligible?
If my business is in their first year of business and is on track to earn $30,000 in revenues, would I be eligible?
Your business has to attest that you had a gross revenue of at least $30,000 in the last 12 months of operations or since incorporation/registration. Therefore you would not be able to apply if you are "on track" to meet the threshold, you would have to wait until the threshold has been met.
Will the micro-grant be disbursed upfront to cover the costs?
Will the micro-grant be disbursed upfront to cover the costs?
No. Your business must provide a copy of the invoices and proof of payment in order to receive a reimbursement of costs.
What proof of expense is necessary from my business to claim the micro-grant?
What proof of expense is necessary from my business to claim the micro-grant?
Your business must provide an invoice of the expense and proof of payment.
Your business must pay for the expense before claiming the micro-grant, and a copy of their invoice will be required to do so. The invoice must be dated after the signature of your grant agreement.
If the invoice is based on monthly payments, your business should make an advance payment for the full $2,400 before claiming the micro-grant. The invoice should show a credit balance.
Small Business Eligible Costs
Can my business remit costs associated with digital marketing / social media / SEO if I do not have or plan to have an e-commerce store?
Can my business remit costs associated with digital marketing / social media / SEO if I do not have or plan to have an e-commerce store?
No, your business must have an e-commerce presence to be able to seek funds for digital marketing.
If my business already has an e-commerce website, can I use the fund to improve, update or redo my current website?
If my business already has an e-commerce website, can I use the fund to improve, update or redo my current website?
The re-design of an existing site is not eligible. However, upgrading existing website for added functionality (new plugins or features) would be eligible.
My business would like to use the grant to purchase some hardware with accompanying software. Is this an eligible cost?
My business would like to use the grant to purchase some hardware with accompanying software. Is this an eligible cost?
Hardware and accompanying non-ecommerce related software are eligible for up to 20% of total grant amount.
- An example of limited coverage for software would be any software that is bought with the equipment that is required to support an e-commerce strategy. For instance, if a small business buys a new e-commerce integrated point of sale (POS) system that costs $1,300, CDAP will cover 20% or $260.
The maximum amount of the grant that can be allocated to hardware and related software is 20% of $2,400 or $480.
E-Commerce related software is eligible for 100% of grant amount and can include the following:
- Software to track and manage product inventory, as well as fulfill and ship orders,
- Software for product databases
- Software to track sales, market to customers, offer discounts, maintain a loyalty programs
- Software to simplify marketing
- Cyber Security software or certifications
Please note all eligible costs must be directly tied to the sale of goods and services online (i.e. online reservations/ordering or chat bot function on website), and you will need to clearly outline this in your application.
My business already has a website, can I use the grant solely for digital marketing initiatives?
My business already has a website, can I use the grant solely for digital marketing initiatives?
Your grant cannot be used solely for website search optimization or social media advertising; such uses must be tied to an overall e-commerce implementation plan and not a standalone item.