Custom Emojis Coming to Teams in June 2024

Create an image depicting a celebratory office environment where employees are excitedly creating and sharing custom emojis for Microsoft Teams. Show the Teams interface on multiple screens, with dive

Martin Kouyoumdjian |

Microsoft Teams will soon introduce a highly anticipated feature: custom emojis. Starting in June 2024, users will be able to create and use their own emojis within Teams, providing a new layer of personalization and expression to online communications. This update is set to enhance user experience significantly in both professional and casual settings.

Why Custom Emojis?

Emojis have become an essential part of modern communication, enabling users to convey emotions and reactions quickly and efficiently. While Teams already offers a wide array of standard emojis, the addition of custom emojis will allow users to tailor their interactions even further. Custom emojis can be designed to reflect specific corporate cultures, team inside jokes, or unique personal preferences, fostering a more engaging and interactive environment.

How It Works

The custom emoji feature will be integrated smoothly into the existing Teams platform. Users will be able to create their own emojis through a simple and intuitive interface:

  • Design Tool: Teams will feature a built-in emoji design tool, allowing users to draw, upload, or modify images to create their custom emojis.
  • Emoji Library: Once created, custom emojis will be saved in a personal emoji library accessible within the chat interface.
  • Usage: These custom emojis can be used in all standard communication channels within Teams, including chats, meetings, and posts.

Privacy and Moderation

Given the potential for misuse, Microsoft Teams will implement measures to ensure that custom emojis adhere to workplace standards and appropriate use policies. Admins will have the ability to:

  • Review and Approve Emojis: Admins can review and approve or deny custom emojis before they become available for team-wide use.
  • Set Permissions: Admins can set permissions to control who in the organization can create and share custom emojis.
  • Monitoring Tools: Tools will be provided for monitoring and moderating the use of custom emojis to prevent any inappropriate or harmful content from being disseminated.

Benefits for Teams

The addition of custom emojis is expected to benefit Teams users in several ways:

  • Enhanced Communication: Custom emojis can help convey specific emotions or reactions more accurately, enhancing overall communication effectiveness.
  • Team Bonding: Shared inside jokes and team-specific emojis can strengthen team connections and foster a sense of community.
  • Branding: Companies can use custom emojis to reinforce brand identity and corporate culture in their Teams communications.

Getting Started

Users looking forward to this exciting feature can prepare by considering what custom emojis would add value to their communication. Organizations might want to start brainstorming ideas that align with their brand and team culture. As the launch date approaches, Microsoft will likely provide further details and tutorials on using the custom emoji tool, ensuring a smooth transition and maximization of this new functionality.


Custom emojis are set to revolutionize the way Microsoft Teams users communicate, bringing a personal touch to digital interactions. With a launch date slated for June 2024, users have plenty of time to imagine and design the custom emojis that will best enhance their communication experience. This update represents yet another step forward in making virtual communication as vibrant and meaningful as possible.

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