Using FaceTime on a Windows PC

Create an image of a modern workspace where someone is using FaceTime on a Windows PC. The screen should show a clear FaceTime interface with a video call in progress. The workspace should include ele

Martin Kouyoumdjian |

FaceTime, Apple's popular video and audio calling service, has been a favorite among iPhone, iPad, and Mac users. However, for those using a Windows PC, accessing FaceTime posed a challenge for years. Fortunately, with advancements in technology and a more interconnected ecosystem, it is now possible to use FaceTime on a Windows PC. This article will guide you through the steps required to set up and use FaceTime on your Windows computer.

Understanding FaceTime Compatibility

FaceTime was initially designed to be used within Apple’s ecosystem, allowing iPhone, iPad, and Mac users to make seamless video and audio calls. As a proprietary application, it is not available for download on non-Apple devices, including Windows PCs. However, in recent updates, Apple has introduced a web-based version of FaceTime, which can be accessed from any device with a web browser, including Windows PCs.

Requirements for Using FaceTime on Windows PC

Before you proceed with using FaceTime on a Windows PC, ensure you have the following requirements fulfilled:

  • A reliable internet connection
  • A device with a working web browser (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge recommended)
  • An Apple device (iPhone, iPad, or Mac) to initiate the FaceTime call
  • A FaceTime link, sent from an Apple device

Steps to Use FaceTime on Windows PC

Here is a step-by-step guide to using FaceTime on your Windows PC:

Step 1: Initiate a FaceTime Call from an Apple Device

To begin, you will need someone with an Apple device to start the FaceTime call. They should follow these steps:

  1. Open the FaceTime app on their iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
  2. Tap on the ‘Create Link’ button to generate a FaceTime call link.
  3. Share the generated FaceTime link with you via email, text message, or any other preferred communication method.

Step 2: Open the FaceTime Link on Your Windows PC

Once you receive the FaceTime link, follow these steps:

  1. Open your preferred web browser on your Windows PC. (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge is recommended for the best experience.)
  2. Click on the FaceTime link, or copy and paste it into the browser's address bar.
  3. You will be redirected to a web page where you can join the FaceTime call.
  4. Enter your name to identify yourself and click on ‘Continue.’
  5. Click on the ‘Join’ button to enter the FaceTime call.

Step 3: Allow Permissions

Upon joining the call for the first time, you may be prompted to allow access to your microphone and camera. Ensure to grant these permissions to participate in the video call effectively.

Utilizing FaceTime Features on Windows PC

While using FaceTime on a Windows PC, you can enjoy several features available to Apple users:

  • High-quality video and audio calls
  • Ability to switch between front and rear cameras (if applicable)
  • Muting/unmuting your microphone
  • Turning your camera on or off during the call


Though FaceTime was originally exclusive to Apple's ecosystem, the introduction of a web-based version allows Windows PC users to join FaceTime calls effortlessly. By following the steps outlined above, you can enjoy FaceTime's reliable video and audio calling capabilities on your Windows PC. This development fosters greater connectivity, enabling users across different operating systems to communicate without barriers.

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