Implement The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) for your business together with Logics Technology

The Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) helps Canadian Small and Medium Sized Entreprises (SME) boost ecommerce presence and digitize business behind the scenes; as well as training and work opportunities for young Canadians. Logics Technology is a local IT business that is helping organizations adopt digital tools to fuel efficiency and growth.


STEP 1: CDAP Application

1.1 Apply to CDAP (Use a unique email for each business)
1.2 Once eligible - Fill LOGICS Onboarding Form
1.3 Sign LOGICS Agreement (will be sent to you via DocuSign)
1.4 Consult with LOGICS for your written CDAP Report


STEP 2: CDAP Report Submission

2.1 Receive Your Custom CDAP Report and CDAP Invoice
2.2 Upload PDF CDAP Report and PDF CDAP Invoice to Portal
2.3 Government will approve report and will transfer $15k into business account - approx. 2-4 weeks
2.4 Remit Payment to Logics Technology for CDAP Invoice


STEP 3: BDC Loan Application

3.1 Apply for BDC Loan through CDAP Portal
3.2 Verify Director/Owner ID and Upload Financial Statements
3.3 Receive loan approval and BDC will transfer loan into business account - approx. 3 weeks


STEP 4: Magnet Wage Subsidy Application

4.1 Apply for Magnet Wage Subsidy through CDAP Portal
4.2 Business Owner Sign Magnet Agreement
4.3 Employee Sign Magnet Agreement
4.4 Receive Wage Subsidy after Work Placement of 450 hours (37.5 hours x 12 weeks)

Program Details


    • The grant covers 90% of costs up to a maximum of $15,000.
    • The customized digital adoption plan provides: information about the current state of the SME, technology options analysis, a digital strategy and associated business benefits, implementation roadmap, skill requirements and key digital solution characteristics.

    • Loan amounts: Business revenues of $500,000 to $5 million can request loan amounts between $25,000 and $50,000. Business revenue over $5 million can request loan amounts between $25,000 and $100,000.
    • Terms: The loan has a 5-year term with 12-month capital postponement (total of 6 years). There are no fees. You have 1 year from the completion of your approved plan to make a loan request. You must meet BDC credit worthiness requirements.


    • Candidate must be an employee between 18-30.
    • Only Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugees with the right to work in Canada, qualify as candidates.
    • Candidate must be currently enrolled in post-secondary program of study in college, university, CEGEP, polytechnic institute or private training institution in relevant fields; or be a recent graduate (within the last 2 years) from one of the above programs or institutes.
    • Youth must not have previously benefited from a completed placement through the boost your business technology grant.